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Showing posts with the label stay at home mom

Back to work, mama...

I set my alarm for 5am, the alarm I hadn't set in 2 years.  I have 3 kids and as a stay at home mom I could always count on one of them to make sure I was up.  But today I needed to make sure I was awake even before my kids.  I had so many things to do and such little time to get them all done because today was my big day - the day that I would re-enter the workforce... I looked at the checklist for the morning and got to work: clean the floor clean the bathrooms pick up the poop in the backyard shower/get ready cut up fruit for the kids to have with lunch get the kids fed and dressed for the day print out the instructions for the nanny (even though I had sent her the doc days in advance) bring I9 docs for orientation don't forget to eat breakfast don't forget to tell the nanny about how Rocky sometimes gets stuck in the baby room and wakes her up, how the boys can play with the hose in the yard but they forget to turn ...

Why I Quit My Six Figure Job to be a Stay at Home Mom

Because I think it's going to be easier?  <insert belly laugh> No, not at all! In some ways I feel like I've been experiencing a mid-life crisis at 35.  Or at least a point in my life where I felt it was time to stop, re-evaluate and re-invent myself. You can choose to let these moments pass and go about your normal routine or you can take the time to evaluate what the top priorities are in your life and make sure you are living accordingly.  After a lot of soul searching I'm re-defining what success means to me.  And here is how I made the decision to become a stay at home mom… I was a marketing chick long before I was a mom.  I say "marketing chick" because "professional" sounds too stuffy to me and I think my career has been pretty damn cool.  I'm not one of those people that hates their job.  I think marketing is the bomb-diggity and was definitely the right career choice for me. I always knew my husband and I w...

Sweet Success of the Stay at Home Mom

I recently  quit my six figure job to become a stay at home mom .  Let me set the record straight that there is no such thing as eating bon bons on the couch and watching soap operas.  Sure, there are quick chocolate breaks while hiding in the pantry but that is purely a means of survival.  This job is hard. I’m quickly learning that in order to be “successful” at this new gig, I’m going to have to learn to be okay with far from perfect days.   This is not as easy as it seems.  When I worked, checking off my to-do list was generally within my control and I could get a lot accomplished in a short period of time.  That felt good.  At home this is MUCH more challenging.  Most days I’m lucky if I get 2 of the 5 items checked off my list.  And setting my expectations too high has only led to an unwarranted feeling of failure.  Because in stay-at-home-mom-land I can only control so much.  My kids don’t always listen, they need a...

SAHM Month 1: The Good, The Bad & The Savings

Month one flew by so fast!  It’s crazy!  I’m still adjusting to this new lifestyle but I’ve noticed that with each week I’m learning new tricks on how to be a successful stay at home mom.   And let me tell you, this job is not easy.  It’s hard.  It’s rewarding.  It’s exhausting.  It’s fun.  It’s so many things.  I apologize in advance that this post is all over the place.  It’s very representative of my current state of mind. THE GOOD I still feel that I am less stressed than I used to be.   Now I would like to clarify that this is not to say it’s  easier  or that I don’t have struggles.  I will explain my new struggles below.  We’ve gotten busier and busier as the month has gone on but the actual pace still feels much better than my previous pace.  We take longer to do every step now because I am in control of our schedule.   Well kind of in control.  My threenager would argue...

Dreaming of Success

I’m flying!  And I’m wearing a beautiful, sparkling, Elsa dress.  I feel so freeeeeeeee and on top of the wooooorld.  I’m in full control of my flight and, wow, does flying feel AMAAAAAAAZING. Until… wait… who is screaming down below?  Is that Grant? POOF!  And I’m awake.  My two year old is yelling and ready to come out of his crib for the day.  My beautiful dress is gone.  It’s 6:23am.  I have bed head and a t-shirt & shorts that don’t even match.  But today I’m grabbing my glasses off my side table and leaping out of my bed and into his room feeling so refreshed after my awesome dream!   Today is going to be a good day! I hurried down to the kitchen with my little dude to tell my hubby about my flying experience before he left for work.   You have to hear this.  I had a flying dream.  Do you know what this means?!?   He appeased me with a little excitement but I know in these moment...

SAHM Week 1: The Good, The Bad & The Savings

Thank you for the many messages and responses to my  post about quitting my job . I’ve received a lot of questions on what sacrifices and changes I am making with this transition.  I’ve really enjoyed chatting with so many lovely gals considering the same type of move and I hope to be as transparent as I can with this series “The Good, The Bad & The Savings.” One week in and I am still alive! It’s obviously way to early for me to pass judgment on this new lifestyle, good or bad, but I do have a lot to share from my first week at home. THE SAVINGS I am about 10x less stressed.   I love the much slower pace of my days, especially our mornings. Don’t get me wrong, my little guys still wake me up at the crack of dawn but that part was always just fine.  The easier part is knowing that I don’t have to rush them out the door and still be ready for my day at work. I enjoy having breakfast together, watching a few cartoons and then starting our first acti...

An Emotional Journey to Becoming a SAHM

I did it.  I hit “send.”  There it is in black and white in my sent box.  I’ve been planning for this.  I’ve confidently, verbally communicated it to all of the right people over the last two months.  But today, as I’m two weeks out from becoming a stay at home Mom, I had to  submit my formal resignation saying farewell to my corporate life.  While I know this is the right move for me at this point in my life, seeing it in black and white has set off a roller coaster of emotions: I’m grieving.   I think I’m grieving the loss of a previous version of myself.  Perhaps it is the childless version that felt so passionate about her work.  It was the me that always felt like I had it all together.  And the me that viewed “success” as raises and moving up the ladder at work. I’m refreshed.   I’m refreshed when I remind myself that the person I’m grieving was the me that hadn’t yet realized that having children would change...