5 and 1/2 years ago I gave birth to the most handsome baby boy. My life was forever changed. He taught me how to be a mom as first babies do. And with each new milestone he faces, we learn together. I try to put on my confident, strong mommy face and pretend like I know what I'm doing though I'm usually freaking out on the inside. That's what we do with our first kiddos, right? Good or bad they will forever have an inexperienced mommy with each first. Today was one of those big new milestones for both of us - the first day of Kindergarten. We've spent the summer working up to today. My son has been full of excitement and questions. We made a countdown chain as he could barely stand the wait these last few weeks leading up to this big day. For me it has been all about reading and re-reading every document or email received from the school. Checking and re-checking that we have all of the supplies and they are labele...
Re-defining success one small win at a time.